Every year, students enrolled in woodworking make shadow boxes for the VFW. This is a continuation of a community project that was started many years ago by retired shop teacher Dave Paynter. These shadow boxes house the shells of the shots fired at the funerals of veterans, as well as the American flag. The shells reference the practice of firing three shots on the battlefield to signal a pause in fighting to remove the bodies of fallen soldiers. They also represent the words duty, honor, and country. The boxes are gifted to the families of veterans who have passed. This year Lily Magdziak and Jaiden Demaray put an exceptional amount of work into the project doing all of the finishing work so that the boxes look clean and beautiful. Nice work girls!
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
A student holds up a finished shadow box
7 shadow boxes, each filled with an American flag and three bullets
IAS is accepting applications for a Full-Time K-6 School Counselor. Detailed Job Description is available at: https://www.ironwoodschools.org/page/employment-opportunities
9 months ago, Carolyn Mieloszyk
Now Hiring Image
The Advanced Woodworking students are learning to use our new Onefinity CNC router. CJ Feezor, who is a senior baseball player, just completed this Red Devils Baseball Sign. It was built in the Woodworking Lab in memory of Mike Wasley, who was a 2007 graduate of Ironwood Area Schools. Beautiful job CJ!
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
A student in a red hat holds up  a wooden sign that he created
Mrs. Lavinder’s 4th grade students and Mr. Negro’s 1st graders worked together to write original poems: haikus, limericks and autobiography poems. On Friday the two classes came together to share their poems - complete with a microphone & finger snaps😁. They ended their presentation with a snack of donuts and a tasty beverage (root beer or cream soda).
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
A large group of students who are wearing fake mustaches
Two teachers standing together, one in glasses, one wearing a beret
The third grade took a field trip to the Porcupine Mountains. We started with a tour of the Lake of the Clouds and then traveled to the Nonesuch Trail. The amazing park interpreters had hands on activities to engage our students. This was a first time visit for a large portion of our third graders. Thank you to the Friends of the Porkies for providing us with the opportunity to explore the beauty of our area!
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
Students sitting in the grass with large puzzle pieces
A large group of students on a wooden platform overlooking the Lake of the Clouds
4 young students standing on a wood platform, overlooking a large wooded area
Students standing on pavement, overlooking a large area of land
It's Throwback Thursday! This week we are featuring our music programs here at Luther L. Wright. There is a proud history of excellent music instruction and high interest in our students through the decades. It was difficult to choose photos because the yearbooks feature pages of musicians in all sorts of groups and levels. The band photo is from 1929, the senior choir was taken in 1964, and did you know our school had an orchestra? This is a photo of the group in 1958. The legacy continues with our current music teachers on staff; Mr. Darin Schmidt with choral instruction and choirs at middle and high school including Accent, and Mr. Kirk McBrayer as our band director including a jazz band and music instruction for the elementary levels. We thank them for their talents and excellent work with our students! If you have a special memory or teacher from our music programs, please share.
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
A large band appears on the front steps of the school, all are in uniform
Students stand on the front steps of the school, dressed in choir robes
A picture of the orchestra from a yearbook - many years ago.
Science Class News! This past fall, the MTU Center for Science and Environmental Outreach (CSEO) was awarded funding from the Michigan Science Teachers Association, the Michigan Association of Environmental Professionals, and the Kellogg Youth Endowment Fund (managed by the Keweenaw Area Community Foundation) to purchase and distribute air quality monitors across the W-UP, to compile standards-aligned lesson plans about air quality and air quality issues, and to provide information to the W-UP communities about how they can easily access the real-time readings from sensors near their location and throughout the region. During the past couple of years, the summer wildfires that happened across wide areas of northern Canada caused smoke conditions that consequently led to poor air quality for this region. During the summer of 2023, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) issued statewide health alerts due to increased particulate matter in the air, some of which were the first-ever air-quality notifications issued in the Upper Peninsula. The health alerts from EGLE are intended to inform people to take health precautions such as limiting physical activity, staying inside, or wearing an N95 when outside. However, when those poor air quality conditions were occurring, data for the W-UP were not available. If anyone was interested in knowing the air quality measurements near their own location, other than two sensors in L'Anse (installed by the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community) and one on Mt. Horace Greely (installed by the Open Skies Project) , there were no sensors in any of Keweenaw, Houghton, Baraga, Ontonagon, Gogebic or Iron Counties. The best information available was a broadly applied model of conditions based on air quality readings at distant locations and the current prevailing wind conditions. At Ironwood, our air quality monitor was installed last week. Check out the link at https://map.purpleair.com/1/mAQI/a10/p604800/cC0#6.95/46.364/-89.456 to see our air quality map!
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
An electric cord and an air quality sensor
An electric cord and an air quality sensor
On Friday, May 10, Michigan Technological University hosted their 35th annual Bio-athlon. This is a single-day, hands-on, problem solving competition with a variety of real world based projects. Through these projects students demonstrate organizational skills, critical and creative thinking, knowledge of biological concepts, and laboratory skills. The four person team from Ironwood placed second! Congratulations to team members Nathan Jaunzems (Junior), Jacinta Lauzon, Mark Jaunzems, and Madelena Braucher (sophomores). Lily Nolan-Couillard (sophomore) prepared as a team alternate. Excellent work, students!
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
4 students and a teacher stand in front of a sculpture of a husky
Science Class News! Check out the link to see real-time earthquake data from our new LL Wright earthquake sensor! Michigan Tech Professor, Gregory Waite, administers the program which provides schools with a seismometer. This seismometer will detect earthquakes from around the world. The seismometer is a Raspberry Shake, built on the inexpensive Raspberry Pi computer platform. Each seismometer sends data showing the vertical ground motion to a server so that it can be accessed using web-based (https://dataview.raspberryshake.org/) and mobile phone apps (https://raspberryshake.org/news/the-shakenet-mobile-app-for-apple-and-android/). Built-in filters for 'global', 'regional', and 'local' seismicity make it easy to find earthquakes.
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
A clear box with computer parts inside, labeled Raspberry Shake
IAS is accepting applications for a Full-Time Elementary SPED Teacher and a Full-Time Kindergarten Teacher. Detailed Job Descriptions are available at: https://www.ironwoodschools.org/page/employment-opportunities
9 months ago, Carolyn Mieloszyk
Now Hiring Image
Mrs. Boyd’s class celebrated their book The Pencil Thief with a donut party. Each student wrote and illustrated a page in the book.
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
A teacher stands behind a group of students who are holding a book
A student sits at a desk with a book in front of him
One student holds open a book under a document camera so that the rest of the class can see the book
Chaneille Ruotsala, a teacher cadet for the CTE Teacher Academy, taught Mrs. Boyd’s 2nd graders a lesson on plants. She introduced the lesson by explaining the life cycle and then took the students outside to plant seeds. The students enjoyed the mini lesson!
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
An older student stands behind a small group of 2nd grade students
An older student leans down to get dirt from a bag, while the younger students watch
An older student leans over a bag of dirt, a younger student looks back over his shoulder at the camera
An older student stands outside of the school building with younger students seated on the sement
A teacher stands side by side with her senior student
The Senior class went to Wildman Adventure Resort on Sunday! They enjoyed white water rafting and zip lining. The weather was perfect!
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
7 students hooked into a line for ziplining
7 students hooked into a line for ziplining
A large group of people in a blue boat on river rapids
A large group of people in a blue boat on river rapids
A large group of people in a blue boat on river rapids
A large group of people in a blue boat on river rapids
A group of students sit on a blue raft on a calm river
If you missed Accent's concert Saturday night, you missed a great one! With an incredible wide range of styles and excellent individual student performances, it was a fantastic show!
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
A large choir in red dresses and tuxedos stands on a stage singing
A girl in a red dress stands on stage and sings
A boy in a tuxedo stands on a stage and sings
A girl in a red dress stands on stage and sings
A girl in a red dress stands on stage and sings
A boy in a tuxedo stands on a stage and sings
A girl in a black and white dress stands on a stage and sings
A boy and a girl stand on stage, singing to each other
A girl in a dark dress sings on stage, gesturing to the sky
A large choir in red dresses and tuxedos stands on a stage singing with umbrellas in hand
Mother's Day Tea!
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
Mother's Day Tea
Mother's Day Tea
Mother's Day Tea
Mother's Day Tea
Mother's Day Tea
Mother's Day Tea
Mother's Day Tea
Mother's Day Tea
Mother's Day Tea
Mother's Day Tea
Accent continued its remarkable year with a first division rating in the show choir category at the WSMA State Solo and Ensemble Festival. The group scored eight points, which is only two points from a perfect score (6 is perfect, 36 is the worst possible score). John Moos and Aidan Bach were featured soloists. Please attend our concert at the HIT (5/11, 7 pm) to see the latest edition of Accent live and in person.
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
A choir sings on a stage
Students singing on stage with umbrellas
A student sings in a robe at the front of the stage
A student sings in a robe at the front of the stage
It's Throwback Thursday! In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week we have two photos for Throwback Thursday. Did you know that Luther L. Wright once had a Future Teachers of America Club? FTA was created in 1937 to support young people interested in becoming teachers. This photo is of the members of the club in 1994. The additional photo is the staff of LLW in 1963. Our thanks to all the teachers past and present that dedicate their lives to the education of our children. If you have a photo or story of a favorite teacher, please share!
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
A old photo of teachers at Ironwood Schools
An old photo of teachers at Ironwood Schools
The Ironwood Sixth Grade had a wonderful field trip, Tuesday May 7th, to the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park. The weather was great, no rain and a stiff breeze to keep the black flies at bay. We were greeted and guided by two excellent park interpreters. They were passionate, extremely knowledgeable, and very engaging. The students were interested and excited to learn. We saw the Lake of the Clouds overlook and learned about some of the geology of the area. We were able to eat lunch at the Porcupine Mountain ski hill lodge. Some of the students even hiked part of the way up the ski hill and ate their lunches in the grass looking out over Lake Superior. We had a 'hands on' lesson in which the kids searched a stream and collected any animals they could find with minnow nets. They then had a chart that helped them to figure out what each animal was that they captured. At the end of the day we took a hike on the Union Mine Interpretive Trail and saw remnants of the earliest 'modern' copper mines. We also learned a bit about the hearty people that mapped the area and found the copper deposits in 1884. Aside from a few soakers in the creek and a few bumps and bruises on the hikes, we had a very enjoyable day and learned much about the past and present of our local area. Thank you to the Porkies Park staff and the Friends of the Porkies nonprofit for enabling us to have a GREAT day!
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
A large group of students in the woods, listening to a leader
A large group of students on a platform overlooking a lake
A large group of students overlooking a view
A large group of students standing on a large rock formation, with the lake in the background
A large group of students sitting on a large rock formation
A small waterfall
A group of students on a platform
Thank you to Ms. Rosemurgy for all her hard work student teaching in Mrs. Clausen’s 2nd grade. The whole class will certainly miss her. Congratulations on Ms. Rosemurgy’s well-deserved graduation!! It will be exciting to see all the young lives she will touch in the years ahead. ❤️
9 months ago, Sheri Schmidt
15 students sit with a teacher who is holding onto a cake
Thank you! On behalf of the Board of Education, Administration, Staff, and especially the students of Ironwood Area Schools, we would like to thank the citizens of the district for their positive support in the operating millage renewal process.
9 months ago, Travis Powell
Thank you!